Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dating Free Sites - Why Are They Getting More And More Popular?

by: Lee Leong

Today, everyone seem to be so busy doing whatever they are doing. They never seem to be enough time to go out and meet someone, let alone ask someone for a date. Hence, many have resorted to go online to find their dream partner, a prospect whom may one day become their life partner. No wonder dating free sites are getting more and more popular.

The reason why dating free sites are so attractive to modern humanity is that they provide expediency with results. They cut to the chase. A person no longer has to date another person for months before finding out his or her religion, spirituality or any other major socio-psychological factors which might stir up a smooth relationship down the track.

Having said that, this does not mean that dating free site will provide an instantaneous perfect man or woman ripe for marriage. It simply implies that people would be able to share their beliefs more readily and with less embarrassment as both parties know the exact reason why they are discussing the issues.

This may seem strange but, in the distanced method of dating via the internet, very often, couples find it easier and certainly socially safer, to get personal faster and deeper than might happen in more traditional face-to-face interactions. This fact can not be overstated. The truth is that, even some of the most beautiful men and women still hold deep seated insecurities which often come out when they speak to a potential lover. Often pure nervousness can ruin a potentially great relationship.

With dating free sites, the playing ground is more evenly leveled, allowing each individual to gain knowledge, trust, and familiarity with a man or woman who may prove to be "the right one". Furthermore, by communicating in this manner, people are also more likely to be more honest. Again, reducing numerous problems which would be experienced in a more traditional relationship. Dating online does not mean to short change traditional dating methods. It merely proves the point that now, there are other effective ways to dating.

Successful SpeedDating or your first date

by: City Dating

As you know the first impression can last forever or at least goes a long way, so you may like to make the most of it and remind yourself of the basic ingredients for a successful first date:

• Self-confidence. Be normal, be yourself - confident and happy. Look directly at the date. Make conversation or allow your date to take the first steps.

• Be positive. Life is beautiful and positive attracts positive, so to make sure you are getting a great date, just be great yourself!

• Talk with, not at. Listening and questioning are a very important part of every conversation. So, if you like your date, show your interest by listening and asking questions.

• Flirt but just not too much. Flirting is great, but can also give the wrong impression so better not to over do it. There’ll be plenty of time for flirtation when the relationship develops!

• Dress to impress, smart/sexy but without looking like you’ve tried too hard. Moderation is everything. Be clean and well-groomed, and dress appropriately for the occasion – casual for the pub or local restaurant, smarter for the ballet or theatre.

• Beware the demon drink. When you’re excited and maybe slightly nervous, it’s easy to keep on refilling your glass. But you want to keep in control of yourself, so how about limiting yourself to just a couple of drinks. And a woman particularly might question the motives of a man who keeps trying to ply her with alcohol…

• Just enjoy yourself. Meeting new people is fascinating, especially when you may be meeting your future partner, so it helps to feel optimistic and look forward to having a great time together!

It’s your turn to be happy! So good luck and have fun!